Can AI Music Have Personality?

3 min readDec 14, 2021

AIHM Records — Giving Personality To AI Music

As AI music is slowly on the rise being used as a production tool to many resourceful music makers, it is very important to understand what more could be accomplished surrounding it; personalization.

AI that generates any form of art is always seen as dull, unexpressive, and repetitive, however, we can say the same about digital content overall, as humans who make & consume these things everyday. What makes any form of art unique is how it connects to it’s creator & audience, whether by a story or personal interpretation on the matter.

Cameron Hadley (Camito Hatsune, CEO of Excelli CKH) made the project, AIHM Records, where he generates AI music from sources all across the open web. This project was separate from the music he makes humanly alone.

There are AI sample packs & stems such as LANDR Samples &, AI tools that produce vocals such as Uberduck, Vocaloid, & UTAU, sound clips like Jukebox, AIVA, Boomy, Mubert, and MIDI composition such as Splash Pro & Dopeloop.

Needless to say that they’re endless possibilities of musical tools to help any human artists with their production.

Camito edits each generated song into his human production with mastering & mixing, chopping & rearranging, and creates original pieces to give it a more flavorful, upbeat sound with unique characteristics.

Speaking of which, he added his own characters that are portrayed as their own artists, which all have their own unique backstory under a fictional world-building ARG known as WT World. This is a new thing Camito has done to not only give a new music perspective to his audience, yet tie his talents of writing & music together; making music with a developing story.

Just like how characters are used in books, these original characters can be used under AI music personas. You can create your own virtual characters with any free avatar creator and individually create stories and meaning behind the computerized music.

Now just think about that: An AI record label with in-depth character dialogue combination of the music field, alongside with writing, entertainment, and fantasy. Music already gives a unique experience to every listener, and to add more creativity to something that’s considered a mediocre, anxiety-inducing by-product is creatively revolutionary and beneficial to independent creators.

With this creative scale, you can have an army of character artists under your brand, and for music producer’s safety, being your own label in the most futuristic way possible.

Do not fear this new and great potential tool that can push the art, progress, and landscape of music to new heights, even if a large following do not buy nor listen to it, the human idea is what sets it to new boundaries. Finding value in digital content, whether inspirationally, mentally, or financially, depends on us and it differs from each person, yet it still gains a following to a decent crowd and outsiders looking in seems to get their drift.

AI in music, art, writing, and more can not only boost content creation production, it can spark new ideas, combining the code, labor & brains of a machine with the imagination, mind, heart, & soul of a human.




Excelli is a marketing strategy and a public project to promote small businesses.