MOON MINDS | Retrospective

4 min readJul 11, 2022

The clan of Moondawn Mindphasers, also known as Moon Minds, are an allegiance that independently studies, searches, and hunts for unidentified inhuman beings around their nation. They are a bit goofball-y, but very serious in their exploration, backed up with highly professional equipment and several of them having associates, and bachelors in studying astro-zoology, environmental scientist, resources in private business operations, film and production.

The mask above is one of the fun little gimmicks they wear to identify themselves as a team.

Some humanoid or alien beings fear this group, as rumors go around that they slaughter or try to sell who or whatever they’re looking for. Others, including government officials, think they’re a hoax/parody crew channel mocking those who look for the strange.

In all reality, the Moon Minds true intentions lies in awe and appreciation of the unnatural life, at least to them; it seems they don’t realize that here, in WT World, these beings are just as ordinary and natural walking, living, and working amongst “regular” people for centuries.

But one of their most popular works of media was when they recorded the incidents of one of the most notorious creatures and legends of all WT World; a fable more powerful than any boogeymans, fiddlesticks, demon, ghoul, or serial killer known to the lands…the day when they went to find and record Moonman.

Moonman is a 7–8ft man with a large ax and golden crescent-moon mask; now, that alone isn’t too scary, but adding to the fact that this being supposedly comes from a ‘higher source of humanity’, slaughtering people, vanishing through the mist of the falling midnight hours, teleporting into people houses, claiming that he’s some sort of god casting judgment on people’s latest sins they committed…Moonman was real, and a force to be reckoned with.

Matter of fact, around the times when Matrixx, another evil being raising hell on the other side of the globe, these two were spreading media fear for decades.

The Moondawn Mindphasers took a flight to Astermad, WT, where Moonman feasts, and decided it was a good idea to record their journey, from day to night, interviewing the horrified citizens, who were all put on evacuation of the city a week prior. In total of people in Astermad, the population sat at around 23,000, the total people that were slayed were 2,300. Ironically, the most reported killings happened on Sunday, where a very religious town everyday took service in the early morning.

Moon Minds were expecting to swarm in on someone’s house, along with the assistance of police departments and public media on top of Moon Minds’ investigation. All 3 forces walked around the city, waiting for night, when the Moonman would rise…however, the chaotic event took place only at 3pm in the afternoon.

Trivial, distracting events occurred as heavy winds blew, but no grass nor paper moved along with it, waters and lakes rippled in awkward, 5-dimensional patterns and reflected unrecognizable color spectrums to the natural eye. The sun had a noticeable black spot seen visibly from the earth, but according to the scientist later contacting the watchers below, no direct sunspot was spotted, viewed, or conceivable as of that moment.

Things gradually got worse when, in a blink of an eye as everyone was refilling themselves on early lunch grub, the sun had a pupil.

The pupil was jet black, narrow, crescent shaped, almost like the eye of an octopus; stretching all across the flaming sphere, staring back intensely, scaring all daylights to the people below, quite literally. It looked like it was pulsating, looking closer without moving itself.

People freaked out, as the recording crew soaked every moment of it in fear and disbelief, yet great satisfaction to bestow that Moonman is amongst them. Some members of the Moon Minds clan puked and broke down, crading themselves, while others were in too much of a shock to digest their food or what was really going on around them. Kids just got out of school, possibly watching the live news feed of what was going on, as parents rushed their kids inside, begging their child in panicking tears, to not look up…don’t look up at the sky.

Too much chaos occurred for the recording to continue, as now, increasing views worldwide started to tune in on local and national news of the great illusions this place was facing. Maybe Moonman was a god, if he’s not The God that everyone pray’s to every night, or the God he claims to be…maybe he’s the one that hears people pray first, and instead of casting their blessings, he sees no value in their offer, and damn them to death instead.

Judgment may be more powerful than forgiveness, as the Moonman tells himself, as everyone flees the island for their own safety. A wailing voice came from the sun, stretching the souls of those below it, saying the classic line Moonman always says as a proverb to his revelations, ending everyone’s life that is doomed to damnation:

You will remember meeee.” Moonman hollows in an eerie, singing, choir tone, echoing to the human mind, and staying there for eternity.

This event made them hated, previously for assuming to be a hoax channel, now the sole proprietors or angering the most vile beats to roam on this planet. Things went crazy, the government, ARPEGGIO INC, President Tsui & the entire WT World were in a state of panic.

People like Camito try to explain this to them, in one of their special interviews consensually asking “unnaturals’ to join their show, about how life on WT works and how they were sheltered in whatever they believe in and the possible dangers of stereotyping those who are “non-human” for entertainment purposes.




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