Vannamelon: The Horror Story

4 min readDec 4, 2019


Vannamelon (V): So you promise you’ll help to watch the watermelon patch for me?

Camito ©: Absolutely! Shouldn’t be that hard.

V: (skim smirk and light chuckle) I’m glad you think that (heads inside)

C: (sits at the outside table) Watermelons, what’s so great about them? (plays COD on my phone)

V: (watches from the kitchen window, staring at me with beaming red eyes)

C: (hums lightly, glued to the phone screen)

The wind begins to rise, the watermelon patch sways in the wind, an eerie silence surrounds the field. A loud thud hits the table, startling Camito, in which a watermelon appears on the table.

C: GAAH!…….The hell? (looks around and above me, then turning around at the kitchen window, Vannamelon is not there)

C:……ok. How did this get here?

He thumped the melon, it’s very heavy, normal size, but has a funny texture. Camito grips the melon, accidentally tearing it open. It gassed out an awful smell, gushing out red blood and black seeds. He opened the melon more; human organs were tucked inside, slightly twitching, like in progress of digestion.

C: *gags* Oh god, oh screw that. *goes in the kitchen* Vanna! Where you keep the trash bags? *hurries around* Vanna!

He gets no answer, so he just took the trash bag from the kitchen bin and dumped the melon in there. He dumped the trash at the outdoor bin, then washed his hands once he reached the kitchen again.

C: This…this is not normal. Duh! It’s not freaking normal! (dries hands) I-I need to get outta here, I’ll just tell her I’m too busy and n-never come back.

?: *whispers* My child

C: (looks up quickly, taking about 10 seconds to look in every direction)

?: My child….

Camito looked out the porch window, finding a haunting figure staring at him. A short, stiff boy made out of watermelon, organs as red and bloody as the fruit itself, 2 black giant seed eyes staring right back at him.

Watermelon Boy (WB): My child….my child!

C: (staring in horror and shock)


It banged heavily at the window. Camito dipped in the living room, grabbing a shotgun from the glass closet, empty rounds however. Thinking to go search for some, the sound of a door crashing down onto the kitchen floor emerge. Wet, hard, thundering footsteps charged at Camito’s location.

WB: Murderer! (tackles him)

C: (wrestles with him, taking a knife from my back pocket)

WB: You murdered my son!! You killed my son!!

C: (jabs him in his seedy eye)

WB: (roars in pain, blood pours from his eye)

C: (stabs his heart area)

WB: (screeching, distorted cry; his chest explodes as he hits the floor on his back)

Camito, with blood and watermelon juice all over his new summer outfit, stood over the lifeless body of the being. Just as he was about to raise sand calling Vannamelon’s name to explain what in Hell was going on, he felt a gun click to the back of his head.

V: (dark, disappointed, scripted tone of voice) You failed.

C: Failed…failed what?

V: (pistol whipped his head, he hit the ground with a thud) You’re a bad protector.

C: (wounded, but able to speak) Protect what? What!? That demon!!?

V: (shakes her head slowly, aiming the gun at my head) You shouldn’t talk about him like that.

C: What are you hiding!? This isn’t a watermelon patch!

V: You’re right…(victorious smirk) It’s your graveyard.

The gun went off, but before that, rapid footsteps causing Vanna to hit the hallway wall. Isabelle rammed her by the side. The bullet landed 10 inches above Camito’s head.

Isabelle (I): Go! Get out of here!!

C: Shit, you don’t have to tell me twice! (darts out of the front door)

Isabelle quickly went for the gun, but Vannamelon put her in a deadly chokehold. Camito heard her struggle just before he reached the end of the front door’s last step. He went back inside, seeing Vannamelon with a gun to Isabelle’s head.

V: Move on step, and her puppy ass is dog food!

C: (exhausted from the scene) You’re so basic.

Suddenly remembering he had a gun himself, in too much of a shock to recall he had one facing the Watermelon Boy, Camito whipped out his Truth gun lightning speed shooting Vaanamelon’s hand, her hand and the gun turned to pixels. Camito aimed again, but Vanna pushed Isabelle down and ran out the back door.

C: Get back here! (helps Isabelle up)

I: No! Let her go!! If you follow her in that watermelon patch, you’re as good as dead!

C: (pants, finally after a huge chunk of action) What do we do now?

I: (takes Camito’s hand and runs upstairs)

Isabelle dashed up the stairs and into a nearby pantry. She pulled out a gasoline tank and some matches.

I: I’m burning this place to the ground.

She poured gasoline all down the floors, walls, and everywhere behind her and Camito. When it was empty, she tossed it into the watermelon patch. Camito lit the match and tossed it onto the porch.

The porch lit up with flames, spreading fast into the house, just as quick as a snake’s slither. The large house’s luxurious color slowly trenches into burning black charcoal with the giant vivid flames of a hot orange. Everything was gone; Isabelle packed her things all at her office across town a couple of nights before. She was prepared for this moment.

I: Come on, no time to stare! We have to get moving!

She took the ugly green truck, knowing that the clean, new Subaru was rigged. They jumped inside and rode off into the city.




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